If you are attending one of our clinics as a riding student, keep in mind there are two classes per day, unless otherwise specified as an all day "Ranch Horse Versatility Class".
There is a fee for each class you enter. If you should care to enter both classes, it is advisable to bring a horse for each class but is not necessary or required. You are the ultimate judge of how well conditioned your horse is to handle two intense classes in one day for 3 to 4 days.
As a "riding" student, you will need to bring the following:
1. A 3/8" or 5/8" snaffle bit the appropriate size for your horse, a mecate style reins set up is preferable but not a requirement. a training flag. This can be a short whip with a "Wally World" plastic bag attached, but preferably one of Buck's nice sturdy flags made by Double Diamond.
They are the same folks who make our rope halters and 12' leads made from tree line, which we also suggest you bring.
The leads & halters are made to Buck's specifications. If you have this set up, it is going to work with any clinician who uses these methods.
* If you are new to the mecate style reins and have the equipment with you, the clinician can usually help you set it up before the class or ask Larry or Dottie.
2. It is recommended you ride in a pair of slip on boots. The reason for this is if you should get thrown or fall from you horse and your foot hangs in the stirrup, your foot will usually slide out of slip on boots as opposed to being confined in a lace up boot.
Important! - Don't come ready to ride and be disappointed !
tennis shoes
running shoes
This is for your safety!
3. You will need to bring feed and hay, feed pan, a water bucket and a muck fork, as these things are not supplied by the sponsor but are sometimes available nearby. Usually the sponsor will have bagged shavings for sale at the venue for a reasonable charge.
I always bring with me a bag of white powder lime to put on pee spots to keep the ammonia odor down or, if you prefer, PDZ. Same thing just with an aroma added. Once you put lime on the pee spot, the ammonia odor is dissipated. After about the middle of the third day, you will wish everyone brought lime.
If the clinic is being held out in the open, you should bring some kind of rain protection, with which your horse is already familiar, prior to the clinic.
There is nothing quite like the thrill of grabbing a slicker from the fence and slinging it on while in the saddle on a horse who has never previously seen one.
4. Most sponsors are not set up to accept credit cards so either some cash or checks should be in your gear.
If you are attending one of our clinics as an auditor/spectator,
you should consider bringing the following:
1. Some of the venues, such as the one we are using will have some bleachers for seating, but some folks prefer to bring comfortable folding chairs as you will be sitting most of the day.
2. Rain gear if the venue is uncovered. Wear clothing appropriate for the time of year. Be sure to be able to layer your clothing.
3. Bottled water, lunch, snacks and anything you might like to eat in case there are no food venders at the venue or close by. At the present we are using the Double J Arena which is covered and the privately owned restaurant, run by the owner, has GREAT food and very reasonable prices and they are very accommodating.
4. Just in case it is necessary to sit in the sun, be prepared with a hat with a wide brim and sunscreen.
We have tried to cover everything we have encountered while attending clinics both indoors, outdoors covered and uncovered. When in doubt, call the sponsor. Clinic sponsors are more than happy to help because we have all been, at some time, where you are presently and are more than happy to help.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns. If we are not able to give you an answer immediately, we will get back to you with one ASAP!
Hope to meet you at one of our clinics!
Dottie Davis and Lisa Krolak